Dr. Langley has a wide experience with scientific instrumentation. Some of the instrumentation which he has worked with is listed. If your application/instrument is not listed please contact Dr. Langley with questions.
Commercial Instrumentation
- Shimadzu QP-2010 GC-MS
- Shimadzu MDGC/GC-MS
- Bruker Apex II FTICR-MS
- Waters (Micromass) Autospec mass spectrometer with FAB/EI ionization
- Thermo Quantum Access Triple Quad with HESI and APCI
- Thermo DXR Raman Microscope
- Thermo/Nicolet 6700 FTIR with GC-FTIR capability
- Thermo/Nicolet 8700 FTIR
- Thermo Gensys 600 UV-Vis
- MTEC Photo-Acoustic PAC300
- HP 1050 HPLC
- Thermo XSeries II ICP-MS
- Perkin Elmer AAnalyst AA
- Thermo Flash 2000 CHNS/O
- Dionex (Thermo) ICS3000 IC
- Shimdazu TOC Analyzer
Custom Instrumentation
- Microwave Spectrometer
- Extranuclear/Extrel Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
- Neutralization Reionization Mass Spectrometer (NRMS)