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LabView Programming

Dr. Langley has been developing software applications using LabVIEW since 2001. He is a Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer and in addition to numerous small applications and tools he developed several major applications including:

  • Pressure Broadening Analysis of Microwave Spectra
    • Fitting of spectra
    • Baseline suppression
    • Linewidth and lineshift determination
    • Determination of pressure
  • Automating the data acquisition and instrument control for an Extra-nuclear (now Extrel) quadrupole mass spectrometer sampling glow discharges
  • Developed data analysis program for mass spectra of ions extracted from glow discharge
    • Deconvolution of peaks
    • Peak Fitting
    • Area calculations
  • Hardware integration and software development to modify Bruker Apex FTICR MS to utilize Stored Waveform Inverse Fourier Transform (SWIFT) ion excitation.